Five Star Theatre


Audition for a Five Star Theatre show

We don’t currently have any auditions scheduled. But watch this space, because we will be publishing details soon regarding our Show in a Week auditions as well as our October musical.

Equality & Diversity

Five Star Theatre Ltd. aims to be supportive, fair, just and free from discrimination. In line with these objectives, we will challenge discrimination based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. We will promote equality and diversity and ensure they are implemented into all our working practices.

Our commitment to equality and diversity extends throughout the work we carry-out as a theatre production company. Performers, creatives and production staff are engaged on the basis of experience and skill, according to the requirements of the role, production or project. We would never cast or recruit based on any unlawful condition or requirement that is not justified by the genuine needs of the job.